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Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:42 pm
by RSmith
What are the differences in the way/amount the frequencies are weighted with all terrain general, all terrain high conductor, and all terrain low conductor?
Example- Is AT-G more weighted in the higher frequencies than AT-LC, while also being more weighted in the lower frequencies than AT-HC?

If we can know exactly how these three compare we can better understand/know which one to use for different circumstances.
AT-LC vs AT-HC is easy to figure out, but exactly where does AT-G fit into the comparison?

Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:50 pm
by steveg
RSmith --

My understanding is, that it is as you say. AT-G is "in between" AT-HC and AT-LC, in terms of the frequency weighting. I personally find AT-G to be preferred, especially if you hunt sites with iron trash. AT-HC (IMO) is far too "sparky," and likes to "high-tone false" to an excessive degree, in my opinion, off the tips of nails and such...


Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:45 pm
by JCR
AT General includes Conductive Subtraction also.

Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:08 pm
by RSmith

Sorry for my ignorance, but can you elaborate on your comment?
What is the conductive subtraction you are referring to, how does it help?
Thank you

Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:42 pm
by JCR
Conductive Subtraction is a SMF signal processing that removes or minimizes the response from conductive ground caused by a combination of moisture, salts and/or minerals. General AT is the only inland program that uses it. It is also used on Beach & Diving programs. I don't have the D2, but I have used M3 on the Legend & Multi W on the Rutus Versa to good effect on a few inland sites that some times has these ground conditions. You can lose a bit of sensitivity to small low conductors, which is a double edge sword. Small gold -v- small Al & foil.

Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:05 pm
by RSmith
Trying to do more research on this, the only places I can find it mentioned is referring to D2. I cannot find any mention of this for the Manticore.
I may not be looking in the right places, or fully understanding what I’m reading.
Can you verify?

Re: Manticore AT-G vs AT-LC vs AT-HC

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:26 pm
by JCR
RSmith, Now that I look for it, I can not find anything to that effect in the User Manual either. I may be remembering something that was posted on the old version of this Forum. I may also be just remembering about the D2 and conflated the Manticore into it. Hopefully NASA Tom will chime in and straighten me out. I would like to know for sure.