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What are the best wired headphones for an Equinox 600/800?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:01 pm
by Bayard
I have owned Equinox detectors since they first came out. I initially used a pair of Gray Ghost headphones with a 1/8" male to 1/4" female adapter. Unexpectedly, I preferred the sound from the cheap headphones that came with my Equinox 600; however, those are made of brittle plastic and I've broken at least three pairs of them over the years. My adapter also wore out; so, I want wired headphones with a 1/8" jack.

What are the best wired headphones for an Equinox 600 or 800 for someone wanting to find deep silver coins in public parks?

I do not trust wireless headphones. I commute to work on the train every weekday and listen to music or podcasts on wireless headphones, a pair that I previously had linked to an Equinox. It is common during my commute for the sound on the headphones to cut out periodically. I don't know if it's interference from other phones on the train or something else; but, I don't want to miss a good deep target because my headphones momentarily cut out.

Re: What are the best wired headphones for an Equinox 600/800?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:34 pm
by sonnar28
I like Thresher headphones ,they are waterproof and have very nice tones. I share your dislike for wireless headphones , to me it's just one more thing to go wrong , and I've always used wired headphones so it's not an issue for me to using them

Re: What are the best wired headphones for an Equinox 600/800?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:45 pm
by Airtemisa
The ones from SeaGhost. For me, the best headphones.

Louder than Gray Ghost, durable, very simple, and good price. And also waterproof and submersible. What else?