old threads

This is an open discussion forum about metal detecting. Please be generally polite and respectful. Please note that Dankowski Detectors now has Terms of Use provisions. Nothing has really changed, its just now everything is written down for the sake of those who in the past liked to argue. If anybody sees anything unreasonable or disagreeable in the Terms of Use, please let me know.
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Location: East Texas, USA

Re: old threads

Post by JCR »

The valuable thing for me is that each of these “specific detector” threads are actually helpful & applicable to other machines & detecting fundamentals in general. I have learned a lot reading about detectors I have never used.
Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:04 am

Re: old threads

Post by NASA-Tom »

Chris................. It boils down to: The fundamentals of physics remain the same. HOW you get there........ whether the tool you are using.... is a Ford, Chevy or Dodge............ is up to you.

Good feedback Chris!
Pedlar mills
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Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:33 pm

Re: old threads

Post by Pedlar mills »

Random thoughts thread was one of my favorites also, never had much to add to it but always loved reading it
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:53 pm

Re: old threads

Post by Geotech »

Why don't you just import the entire Phorum database into phpBB?
Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:04 am

Re: old threads

Post by NASA-Tom »

Carl...... that would be my dream!
I know Wally has it 'backed up'; yet, not sure what it would take to upload such a huge file (of 18 years in length).
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Re: old threads

Post by broadfield »

NASA-Tom wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:53 am How interesting!!!! I always thought (((maybe/probably because nearly no one ever commented)))........ the RANDOM THOUGHTS thread had low interest!!!
More likely nobody could register or log in on the old forum
Posts: 107
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:04 am

Re: old threads

Post by NASA-Tom »

(((Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That might have something to do with it!!!)))
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