old threads

This is an open discussion forum about metal detecting. Please be generally polite and respectful. Please note that Dankowski Detectors now has Terms of Use provisions. Nothing has really changed, its just now everything is written down for the sake of those who in the past liked to argue. If anybody sees anything unreasonable or disagreeable in the Terms of Use, please let me know.
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old threads

Post by ScoTTT2 »

I do hope that some of the old "big as book" threads from the old format makes their way over here....i.e., the manticore thread, Tarsacci thread, etc. ....but this looks nice
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Re: old threads

Post by wildwally1 »

As soon as I figure out how to run this new forum, I'll cut and paste some of the 'Big Ones' over to here. :?
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Re: old threads

Post by Miikey »

That would be awesome to cut and paste them, thanks,!!
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Re: old threads

Post by JCR »

Yes. We need a wish list of the major subject threads.
Manticore, Tarsacci, Vista X, F75, Equinox, Random Thoughts. What else gentlemen?
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Re: old threads

Post by EL NINO »

Yes, it is a good thing to supply older threads related to detectors... for individual brands and models of detectors... to make it easy to search...
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Re: old threads

Post by NASA-Tom »

This is indeed ....'the plan'.... when Wally finds a moment! (Bringing over the top 10 threads entirely.... to this forum).
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Re: old threads

Post by steveg »

That is great news!

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Re: old threads

Post by PulltabKing »

Definitely the random thoughts thread. It always got my brain workin!
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Re: old threads

Post by NASA-Tom »

How interesting!!!! I always thought (((maybe/probably because nearly no one ever commented)))........ the RANDOM THOUGHTS thread had low interest!!!
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Re: old threads

Post by PulltabKing »

That was one of my favorites. I think I posted a couple of times on that thread.
There were many many interesting thoughts posted there.
The same for your Equinox thread. I basically memorized everything written there and utilized the techniques/settings I learned. I had good success, especially in iron.... my nemesis.

Now I'm the one everyone in our club comes to when they have Equinox questions.
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