In the ocean detecting.

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In the ocean detecting.

Post by RSmith »

1-When you grid in the ocean, do you go perpendicular or parallel to the coast/waves?
2- In the sand you can see where you have been, but what do you do in the water/ How do you keep track of your lines so you’re not missing sections or going back over where you have already been?
okara gold
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Re: In the ocean detecting.

Post by okara gold »

I prefer to hunt perpendicular to shore. I will enter the water and head out as deep as I can go. Upon turning around and facing shore, I will spot an object on shore that is stationary and head SLOWLY in a line to that object. Move a couple feet over and head back out again. Every so often turn your head around and keep the NEW object (or reference point) in sight and TRY to walk a straight line away from it. Repeat this process as you continue. A lot of the beaches I hunt have a rapid descent of the bottom while leaving shore. I find it easier to keep my coil at the same height (actually touching the bottom) as I go out. By hunting parallel it is much more difficult, in my situation to keep good coil control.
If you prefer parallel searching, you can use depth as a gauge. Start knee deep for instance and keep this depth as you go. Turn around and increase to thigh depth. Continue using this method up and down the beach. If you find a certain depth that is producing targets, then concentrate on that depth.
It is VERY hard to cover every square inch of the bottom while gridding in the ocean so best to go slow.
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Re: In the ocean detecting.

Post by detecta »

Once you enter the ocean you become part of the food chain.
okara gold
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Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:54 pm

Re: In the ocean detecting.

Post by okara gold »

I'm more concerned about being T-Boned while driving to the beach than being a T-Bone in the ocean food chain.
au pirata
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Re: In the ocean detecting.

Post by au pirata »

I go along knee deep first ,then move deeper,my machine has shaft adjustment holes on the back,so I just move deeper to the next hole...but you could ad your own marks with tipx. .
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