Still Finding Targets

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Still Finding Targets

Post by JCR »

I got out with the Tarsacci for the first time in several months yesterday for a few hours. It was good to get back in the groove with this special machine. I wanted to see if I could find any last deep good targets on a Swim Park site I have worked hard and dug a lot of Silver & other coins off of. It is being developed & the window of opportunity is closing fast. Some of the best hot spots have been scraped down 6+“. This has resulted in a new flush of finds that are consistently older. Many areas are very wet to the point of being hard to even walk on now that the turf has been removed. The ground is mineral free. Sandy with a mixed Clay layer 12-14” below. The soil is quite Conductive when wet, hence, the Tarsacci. The Legend with the big 13” coil running M3 and the Rutus Versa running Multi Wet handle the conditions very well but the Tarsacci really shines here. It is a little deeper and really calls the deeper targets in a confident manner. Big 12” coil, 12 kHz, Ground Balance manually set to 700, Salt Balance & 26. I was able to run Sensitivity at 7&8 and Threshold at -1. Very stable. I really like & prefer Mixed Mode. I have learned that for me, keeping Disc @-30 and letting the low tone of the Disc channel overlay the All Metal response really helps to clarify the purity of the target. I was able to find a few deep targets that had been missed but nothing very good. There is more area that is still to wet to hunt. Maybe I can time it right to get to them. A fun morning hunt.
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by Prepper »

Congrats on capturing the deep signals with the Tarsacci, coupled with the larger 12" coil the Tarsacci is a deep unit.

I'm like you, prefer Mix-Mode and using the 12" coil over stock coil. I don't use Salt mode but do use 12kHz often when metal detecting. Next time I go out on a hunt, will snag the Tarsacci haven't used it in a while. Recently (last year) picked up a Deus 2, still on the Deus 2 learning curve and actually it's quite easy to use coming off the original Deus, Next hunt will bring the Tarsacci it's deeper.

Congratulations again,
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by JCR »

Thanks Paul, good to hear. I always have the Salt Balance active even if the ground conditions do not require it. I will either use the range suggested by Dimitar for the frequency or just set it on a low number. I think it helps overall stability and improves the TID. Please post you results. We need some renewed discussion here, especially on the Tarsacci and other units.
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by Prepper »

A pleasure Chris,

A local friend uses Salt Balance mode in areas not needed, he too mentioned Salt Balance has its positives especially in older sites. I'll need to experiment with Salt Balance, maybe I'll find a use for it.

I don't get out often as I'd like too now, taking care of an elderly parent full time. Every once in a while and that's only every 4-6 months, my brother will watch mom for a few hours. Next time he commits to watching mom, I'll grab both Tarsacci and Deus 2. Head Out to an 1850 site, owner allows me and another friend to detect there.

Will share and post pictures if I can, I'm still learning how to maneuver and use the forums features.

Good luck, keep the post coming!
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by NASA-Tom »

Hey Chris,

Just curious. Why 12-Khz? (I would think you would want 6-Khz for coins).
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by JCR »

Tom, I have dug a lot of Liberty Head/ V Nickels, including a semi key date 1886 off this site. They are usually in poor condition as are most of the IHPs & early Wheat Cents and TID lower than normal. I chose 12 kHz as a happy medium & because it is very stable on that site. I have often used 6.4 kHz on other sites when the iron is bad to false or if I don’t want to dig tiny targets.
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by NASA-Tom »

Hi Chris................ ok. That makes sense.
I have a strong propensity to use the different available Freq's...... for EMI mitigation!!! VERY important!
Then (Secondarily)..... I'll use the different Freq's (choices) best fit mineralization 'punch' and/or (1). More iron infestation......... OR......... (2) More aluminum infestation sight(s).
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by Prepper »

Hello Chris and Tom,

I understand Chris your reasoning using 12 kHz, going after a selective alloy due to the era of the coin.

My reasoning for using higher frequency at older sites, I'm after the thin worn silver coins and although they are considered high conductive the thin silver coinage especially the deeper or masked 1/2 dimes will be captured with a slight edge using a higher frequency. That is my experience, same with the Deus or another top end detector offering higher frequency, I may loose the bigger deeper high conductive coins but gain a slight edge with smaller, thinner coin's.

Hope the weekend bring both of you good finds, and fun.

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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by JCR »

Paul, You are absolutely correct on frequency selection. That is why I will go over the same ground multiple times & from different directions with each frequency choice a unit offers, and also using different detectors & coils. Being able to do so is a distinct advantage of long term permissions, plus it is very educational & fun.
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Re: Still Finding Targets

Post by NASA-Tom »

And............................ there's probably MUCH more: small coins lost. , . , . , . , as in comparison to large coins.
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